New Balance began as a Boston-based arch support company in 1906, developed into a specialized shoe manufacturer in the 1970's, and has grown to become a leading global athletic products company.
To ensure the best fitting, best performing shoes and apparel, we focus on improving our technology and production methods. We have maintained five manufacturing facilities in New England where we continue to rely on the skills and teamwork of our American workforce to produce a percentage of our athletic footwear. We have also remained strongly committed to a core set of company values that include integrity, teamwork and total customer satisfaction.
New Balance公司于1906年诞生在美国马拉松之城波士顿。前身为一家脚弓支撑器专业公司,1970年代起专注于运动鞋的制作,现已成为全球领先的运动品牌。
以追求极度舒适的穿鞋感受为目标,结合流行设计感觉, New Balance已成为复古与创新的完美代表。作为全球唯一一个在美国和英国拥有制鞋工厂的国际运动鞋品牌, New Balance坚守高标准道德规范、100%顾客满意度、团队合作的公司精神,在科技材质、产品外观与舒适度上不断创新进步,为每一个运动者能够最大限度发挥自己的运动潜能,享受平衡自在的生活而不懈努力。